Campus Attended :
Area Of Study :
Arts & Humanities
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CountrySouth Africa
Specific Area of StudyInformation Science
Would You Recommend This Institute?Yes
" This is a distance learning institution, it is not for those who need to be in a classroom environment and you will need to have a lot of self-discipline. There is problems with trying to communicate with the admin staff, it would be better to go in person to your nearest campus if you have to have something sorted out. UNISA is well known among students to have a lack of feedback online to questions. As it is fully online, there can be website and server errors especially during high traffic times which can lead to frustration when you are trying to upload an assignment or do an exam. Lecturers can be a hit or miss, I have had and currently do have some great lecturers while at the same time I have had lecturers who never answer any emails sent to them or do not provide any feedback in the module's forums. I have done two undergraduate degrees and am currently finishing off a post-grad degree through this university. I would recommend this university to those who are currently working and cannot constantly take time off to attend classes, or those who do not want to take evening/night classes due to other responsibilities. "
30 Nov 2022
Academic Staff
Area of Study
Campus Facilities
Administrative Staff
Sports Facilities
Social Scene