Area Of Study :
Communication & Media
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Institute NameLa Trobe University
Were You Happy with the Choice of Clubs and Societies Here?Yes
Would You Recommend This Institute?Yes
Were you happy with the food options available on Campus?Yes
Were you happy with the quality of the WiFi available on campus?Yes
Are there enough computer labs for all the students?Yes
" Overall, La Trobe offers the proper campus vibe you'd expect from a university. The social scene is a big deal on campus, which means that new comers will feel comfortable! Courses are structured well, although there are usually a few hiccups at the start of the year during timetabling. Parking is a nightmare, so opt for public transport, otherwise purchase a car pass (and get the uni super early!) "
9 Jul 2020
Academic Staff
Area of Study
Campus Facilities
Administrative Staff
Sports Facilities
Social Scene