Area Of Study :
Health & Social Care
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Started Here In:
Institute NameBond University
Specific Area of StudyPsychology
Were You Happy with the Choice of Clubs and Societies Here?Yes
Would You Recommend This Institute?Yes
Did you always feel safe on campus?Yes
Were you happy with the food options available on Campus?Yes
Were you happy with the quality of the WiFi available on campus?Yes
Are there enough computer labs for all the students?Yes
Did the majority of your classes record your attendance?Yes
Were you satisfied with the student support services available on campus?Yes
" The school were quick to transition to online learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic but were still able to maintain the same quality of teaching. Highly recommend. Lecturers are extremely knowledgeable and helpful, small classes but this means that every class had an opportunity for individual learning with the lecturers/tutors. "
9 Jul 2020
Academic Staff
Area of Study
Campus Facilities
Administrative Staff
Sports Facilities
Social Scene