About Us
The Campus Advisor is the global network that allows you to discover the colleges and higher education that's right for you. Current students and graduates can rate & review their University/College, course, campus facilities, academic staff as well as much more relating to their experiences of student life. Using this comprehensive data gathered from students past and present, we produce a unique report, ratings and reviews for every institute listed on our site.
Our mission is to enable every future student that visits thecampusadvisor.com to make a more informed choice about their University/College selection and take advantage of our online information tools. The fields we have in the review form are specifically tailored to gather precise information that will help determine which Institutes are the right fit for their personality, academics, budget, career path, and future aspirations.
Not only is The Campus Advisor the place for you to discover the best Universities and Colleges, it also allows you to compare Institutes across a range of different categories, from how likely you are to find employment within 6 months of graduation to the quality of wi-fi on campus! As well as this you can also rank institutes, from what one has the best score globally, to specific countries, specific areas of study or even which institutes rank highest for each gender!
Are you a current or former student? If the answer is 'yes' to either then I'm sure you'll remember how difficult it was trying to figure what was the right higher education option for you. Why not help future students to make a more informed decision by submitting a honest and frank review here: http://www.thecampusadvisor.com/add-review